Sweden is the geographic area for Grimgold Ventures investments. Stockholm is home base and fintech is our focus area.
Are you an outstanding entrepreneur looking for early stage capital?
Please send a brief pitch deck (1-2 pages, Swedish or English) presenting the team and the business. We will get back to you within 1-2 days.
Are you an investor seeking to syndicate in a project or just want to connect for the future
Don´t hesitate to get in touch, we look forward hearing from you.
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More about Patrick Grimlund, in Swedish

“Internet is an ongoing construction, it is still growing. Today the penetration is 50 %. It gets more and more accessible. 1-2 percent of all applications have been invented, but 98 percent still remains to be developed”.
Vint Cerf, known as the “father” of Internet, in Dagens Industri. August 22, 2018